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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Career in teaching | Qualities of good teacher | how to be a good teacher in Profession

Career in teaching | Qualities of good teacher | how to be a good teacher in Profession | Professional way to be a good teacher

TEACHING is one of the noblest professions on the earth. The teachers are the pillars of society for   they   educate   and would the future citizens of a country. A secure career, great monetary compensation and regular annual vacations are attractive hordes of promising young men and women to join this teaching profession.
For being good teacher, you not only need to be wise but also be patient and understanding. Teachers not only enhance a student's intellect but also contribute to the development of his or her personality.
How to earn the respect of your students
There seems to be a common misconception among teachers that being respected by your students means that they "shut up and do everything you command". You could probably do it this way if you want, but I assure you, your students will hate your class.
The basic first step to earn their respect is to simply be nice to them. Now, this doesn't mean you should let them work   all   over you, but it does mean     you shouldn't walk all over them either. You will need to attain some  sort   of balance.
Try to get to know your students individually. Get to know what they like / dislike, their ideas and needs. This can be a lot of work, especially if you teach at a large institute. Grade things on time just as you would expect your students to hand projects on time. If you don't grade things on time, then be sure to give your students the same flexibility as well.
Stand up for your students if you see them being pushed around or bullied by other students or teachers. Try to end the conflict or at least tell the attacker to calm down. Once you have earned the respect of your students, be sure to keep it! Make jokes; fool around a bit when the time is right - try to keep it casual.

Qualities of a good teacher

According to me top qualities of a teacher should be:

Passion - Without this, it is impossible to become a great teacher. If you don't love your subject, how can you expect your students to?

Flexibility - You should make yourself available lo students for help as much as possible and publicise that fact. If students don't know you are available or have office hours, they won't come and will just struggle through key concepts. 
Integration - I am a firm believer in integrated curriculum and content. Life isn't in isolated boxes, so learning shouldn't be either. At this point 1 would like to share one episode with you all. I am a computer science trainer. I was given to teach MS-OFFICE to my post graduate MBA students. As you all know MS-OFFICE is a basically uncomplicated subject as concerned for MBA students. My director asked me to give hi-tech education apart from books so that the students should learn more and get an interest over it. I did the same by giving multiple projects. And you won't imagine, MS-OFFICE seemed to become a sort of technical subject for them. This proved that integration helped me a lot. Sincere thanks to my director

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