declares the results of all universities & Boards from all over India. we also provide Recruitment details, Job vacancies, Recruitment results, Admit Card Download, Selection Lists, MKCL Recruitment, RTMNU Results 2025 Recruitment
Sunday, September 30, 2012
LL.B., LL.M. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
LL.B., LL.M. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
SGBAU LLB, LLM Timetable Winter 2012 Examination Amravati University
MBBS, B.Pharm. D.Pharm. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU Amravati University
MBBS, B.Pharm. D.Pharm. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU Amravati University
B.Ed., BPE, B.Ped., M.P.Ed. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
B.Ed., BPE, B.Ped., M.P.Ed. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
B.Ed. B.P.E. M.P.Ed. Winter 2012 SGBAU Timetable, Amravati University B.Ed. BPE Timetable
B.Ed. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
B.Ed. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU | Amravati University B.Ed. Winter 2012 Timetable | Download Timetable BEd SGBAU Winter 2012
BSW, MSW, BPE Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU -
BSW, MSW, BPE Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU -
BSW Part 1, BSW Part 2 , BSW Final Year SGBAU Timetable | MSW Part1, M.S.W. Part 2 Winter 2012 Timetable
B.E. (ENGINEERING) Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
B.E. (ENGINEERING) Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
BE Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU | B.E. Sem 1, Sem 2, Sem 3 Sem 4 , Sem 5 Ond, New Course | M.E. Winter 2012 SGBAU Timetable | B.Tech. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU | Download Timetable SGBAU BE Winter 2012
B.Sc. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
B.Sc. Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU
B.Sc. Part 1, B.Sc. Part 2, B.Sc. Part 3 SGBAU Winter 2012 Timetable | B.Sc., M.Sc. Winter 2012 Timetable Amravati University
SGBAU B.Com. Part 1, BCOM Part 2, B.Com. Final Year , M.Com. MBA, BBA Timetable Winter 2012
SGBAU B.Com. Part 1, BCOM Part 2, B.Com. Final Year , M.Com. MBA, BBA Timetable Winter 2012
MBA SGBAU Winter 2012 Timetable, BBA Part 1 , BBA Part 2, BBA Final Year SGBAU Timetable, DBM Winter 2012 Exam Timetable 2012, Download Commerce Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU Amravati University
SGBAU B.Com. Part 2 Winter 2012 Timetable
SGBAU B.Com. Part 2 Winter 2012 Timetable
BCOM Second Year Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU | Amravati University BCOM Part 2 Timetable | Amravati University B.Com. 2nd Year Timetable Online
SGBAU B.Com. Part 1 Winter 2012 Timetable
SGBAU B.Com. Part 1 Winter 2012 Timetable
B.Com First Year Amravati University Winter 2012 Timetable | BCOM Part 1 Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU 2012SGBAU Winter 2012 Timetable BA, MA Arts -
SGBAU Winter 2012 Timetable BA, MA Arts -
Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU | Amravati University SGBAU 2012 Timetable | MA Part 1, MA Part 2 Winter 2012 Timetable SGBAU | BA Part 1, BA Part 2, BA Final Winter 2012 Timetable
SGBAU Winter 2012 BA Part 2 Timetable -
SGBAU Winter 2012 BA Part 2 Timetable -
SGBAU Arts Winter 2012 Timetable 2012 | B.A. Part 2 Winter 2012 Timetable 2012
SGBAU BA Part 1 Timetable Winter 2012
SGBAU BA Part 1 Timetable Winter 2012
Amravati University BA Part 1 Winter 2012 Timetable | SGABU Winter 2012 BA Part 1 Timetable 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
T.Y.B.A. Revaluation Result 2012 Mumbai University
T.Y.B.A. Revaluation Result 2012 Mumbai University
Mumbai University B.A. 3rd Year Reval Results 2012 Exam | Revaluation Results of TYBA Mumbai University 2012
B.E. First Year Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
B.E. First Year Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
BE 1st Year October 2012 Exam Timetable RTMNU | Winter 2012 Exam Timetable Nagpur University | Engineering First Year Winter 2012 Examination Timetable RTMNU
BE 3rd Sem Winter 2012 Exam Timetable Nagpur University
Third Semester B.E. Winter 2012 | BE 3rd Sem Winter 2012 Exam Timetable Nagpur University | Engineering Semester three October 2012 Exam Timetable RTMNU
If Your are not able to view Winter 2012 Timetable in above Window use this Direct LINK to Download Timetable
B.E. Sem 4 Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
Fourth Semester B.E. Winter 2012 Timetable RTMNU
B.E. Sem 4 Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University | Download Winter 2012 Timetable RTMNU | Engineering Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur UniversityIf Your are not able to view Winter 2012 Timetable in Following Window use this Direct LINK to Download Timetable
If Your are not able to view Winter 2012 Timetable in above Window use this Direct LINK to Download Timetable
B.E. Sem 8 Winter 2012 Exam Timetable Nagpur University
B.E. Sem 8 Winter 2012 Exam Timetable Nagpur University
Nagpur University Winter 2012 Exam Timetable | RTMNU Winter 2012 BE Semester 8 Timetable | Download BE Sem Eight Timetable RTMNU 2012 October Exam | October 2012 BE Sem 8 Timetable RTMNUDIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK
BE 7th Sem Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
BE 7th Sem Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University | B.E. Seventh Sem Timetable Winter 2012 RTMNU | B.E. Sem 7 October 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
If Your are not able to view Winter 2012 Timetable in above Window use this Direct LINK to Download Timetable
B.E. Sem 6 October 2012 Winter Exam Timetable Nagpur University
B.E. Sem 6 October 2012 Winter Exam Timetable Nagpur University
B.E. Sem 6 October 2012 Winter Exam Timetable Nagpur University
If Your are not able to view Winter 2012 Timetable in above Window use this Direct LINK to Download Timetable
BE Fifth Semester Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
BE Fifth Semester Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
B.E. 5th Semester Winter 2012 Nagpur University Timetable | RTMNU BE Sem 5 Timetable 2012 | Download Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University Engineering 5th Semester
B.Tech. Chemical Nagpur University Winter 2012 Timetable
B.Tech. Chemical Nagpur University Winter 2012 Timetable
B.TECH (Chemical Engineering) Nagpur University Winter 2012 Timetable
B.Tech. October 2012 Winter Exam Timetable RTMNU
B.Tech. October 2012 Winter Exam Timetable RTMNU
Nagpur University B.Tech. First Year 2012 Winter Examination Timetable
B.Arch. Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
B.Arch. Winter 2012 Timetable Nagpur University
Winter 2012 Exam Timetable B.Acrh 2012 RTMNU | B.Arch. First Year, All Semester Timetable Winter 2012 | Nagpur University 2012 Exam Timetable Winter Exam | Timetable B.Arch. October 2012 Exam Nagpur University
ANDHRA PRADESH DSC -2012 Final Answer Keys -
ANDHRA PRADESH DSC -2012 Final Answer Keys -
DSC - 2012 DSC Final Keys
DSC Final Keys | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Secondary Grade Teacher | Language Pandit | School Assistant Non Languages |
School Assistant Languages |
Physical Education Teacher |
Jobs 2012 in University | Udaipur University 2012 Job Vacancy | Apply Online For Udaipur University Job Vacancy | MOHANLAL SUKHADIA UNIVERSITY Job Vacancy 2012 Online Application Download
Application arc invited for the selection of JRF @ Rs. 16000/- p.m (consolidated) under the BRNS Research Project entitled u Magnetic and transport properties of functional nano sized Fe and Cr based spinels" sanctioned to Dr. N. Lakshmi, Department of Physics by DAE, BARC for a period of three years. Candidates having educational qualification of M.Sc. Physics with minimum 55% marks and consistent academic record may apply in a plain paper to undersigned on or before 10-10-2012. NET qualified candidates arc preferred. Candidate has to do part of the work under the project at BARC, Mumbai, for a period of minimum three years. All eligible applicants shall be required attend an interview on at 11.00 AM on 151 October, 2012 along with original documents in the Department. No T.A & D.A will be admissible for attending the interview.
Prof. N. Lakshmi
Principal Investigator
Jiwaji University Revaluation Results Of B.Com. , BA 2012 Exam
Jiwaji University Revaluation Results Of B.Com. , BA 2012 Exam
Jiwaji University Revaluation Results of B.Com. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, B.A. Final Year , Download Revaluation Results of Jiwaji University 2012 B.Com. 2012
Click Here to get Jiwaji University Re-Totaling Result B.Com II Sem 2012
Jaipur Metro Rail JMRC Recruitment 2012 -
Jaipur Metro Rail JMRC Recruitment 2012 -
Jaipur Metro Rail Rajasthan Government JMRC Recruitment 2012
For execution of Jaipur Metro Rail Project, a company under the name JAIPUR METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED (JMRC) was incorporated on 01.01.2010 under the Companies Act, 1956. Detailed Project Report (DPR) of this project has been prepared by Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited , New Delhi.
Application Details
Jaipur Metro Rail Rajasthan Government Recruitment 2012
Jaipur Metro Rail Vacancy Advertisement Notification
Jaipur Metro Rail Vacancy Application Form
Jaipur Metro Rail Vacancy Institute
JMRC Careers 2012
JMRC Exam Dates
JMRC Paper
Jaipur Metro Rail Latest News & Photos
New Updated Date Sheet of Kumaun University Examination 2012 | Download new Timetable 2012 of Kumaun University | On-line Examination Details of Kumaun University 2012
M. Sc. IT (SEM 2) Result University of Rajasthan
M. Sc. IT (SEM 2) Result University of Rajasthan
Rajasthan University M.Sc. IT Results, Rajasthan University 2012 Results | Download Results of Rajasthan University M.Sc. I.T. Semester 2
TNTET 2012 Exam Details Admit Card, Paper Pattern
TNTET 2012 Exam Details Admit Card, Paper Pattern
TNTET (Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligiblity Test) Exam Details 2012 | TNTET 2012 Exam Details | Online Details | of TN-TET 2012
Teachers Recruitment
College Road, Chennai-600006 |
Tamil Nadu Teacher
Eligiblity Test 2012 including Puducherry (TN-Region)
Teachers Eligiblity Test (Supplementary Examination)
List of Admitted candidates (Tamil Nadu)
- 655350
II. List of Admitted Candidates Puducherry (TN-Region) - 8787
Date of Examination: 14.10.2012
Paper I Timing: 10:00 A.M to 01:00
Paper II Timing: 02:00 P.M to 05:00
Paper Both : (Paper I Timing and
Paper II Timing)
SGBAU Redressal Results B.Com., B.E. 2012
SGBAU Redressal Results B.Com., B.E. 2012
SGBAU Redressal Results 2012 | Commerce , Engineering 2012 Redressal of SGBAU | Online Redressal Results of SGBAU 2012
SGBAU B.Com. Redressal Results 2012
SGBAU B.Com. Redressal Results 2012
Amravati University Redressal Results 2012 of B.Com. Part 1, B.Com. 2012 Exam Redressal Results of SGBAU | Download Results Redressal of SGBAU Amravati University Commerce
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Develop Your Self...
Let's face it. People can no longer be "sold", let alone tricked. With information at their fingertips such as with the Internet they can find out almost anything in a matter of seconds. However, unfortunately, there are many companies still training their salespeople to use the outdated approaches. Prospects not only see them coming but they also consider such techniques to be insulting. 1 do say "outdated" because, in our knowledge based economy, more and more sales tactics are being frowned upon with each passing day.
Work with your customers to refine the niche opportunity. As we tailored a financial services program for credit unions, we asked for feedback at every step and from all constituents — sales people, supervisors, executives, and directors - and we refined our product accordingly. In the early days, we wanted the credit unions to manage the program in house.
Freeships and Scholarships For Education in India or Outside India
Freeships and Scholarships For Education in India
Study Subject(s): Law Advanced, International Relations and Diplomacy
Course Level: Master's
Scholarship Provider: Leiden University
Scholarship can be taken at:
• Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University master's degree programme starting September 2013 or February 2014.
• All nationalities enrolling in the following programmes starring September 2013 or February 2014 (programs listed below have a September start date only, with the exception of Adv Studies in Air and Space Law):
0 Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law
• Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law
o Advanced Studies in International Tax Law
♦ Advanced Studies in Public International Law
♦ MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Amount: The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme has 5 awards:
♦ Platinum Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee" and an allowance of 10,000 for living costs
♦ Gold Covers the tuition fee minus the home fee*
♦ Silver Covers 75 per cent of the tuition fee Bronze Covers 50 per cent of the tuition fee Ivory Covers 25 per cent of the tuition fee The number and type of award of the scholarship depends on the budget available for each Faculty department.
♦ The type of award has no reflection on the students' academic level of excellence.
♦ The tuition fee will be reduced to the amount of the home fee. Students who have been awarded a Platinum or Gold award still have to pay the home fee themselves.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: Deadline February 1, 2013 for programmes starting in September 2013. Deadline 1 April 2013 only for programmes of the Leiden Law School starting in September 2013. Deadline October I. 2013 for programmes starting in February 2014.
YCMOU SYMBA May 2012 Results
YCMOU SYMBA May 2012 Results
YCMOU MBA 2nd Year 2012 Results | YCMOU MBA 2012 Second Year Results | Online Result of MBA 2012 2nd YearNashik Forest Department Recruitment 2012
Nashik Forest Department Recruitment 2012
हि जाहिरात काळजीपूर्वक वाचावी.
| |
| ||
१. | अर्ज ऑनलाईन नोंदणी करण्याचा कालावधी | दि १०.९.२०१२ | दि १.१०.२०१२ |
२. | संगणकीय चलनाद्वारे स्टेट बँक ऑफ इंडिया (SBI)यांच्या शाखांमध्ये फी स्वीकृतीचा कालावधी | दि १०.९.२०१२ | दि १.१०.२०१२ |
३. | ज्या उमेदवारांनी बँकेमध्ये दिनांक १.१०.२०१२ पर्यंत भरती प्रक्रिया शूल्क जमा केले असेल त्यांचासाठी उरलेला ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्याचा कालावधी |
दि ३.१०.२०१२
उमेदवाराने ऑनलाईन अर्ज ज्या पदासाठी भरणार आहे त्या पदाची पात्रता जाहीरातीमध्ये काळजीपूर्वक वाचावी.
अर्ज करण्याची पद्धत
उमेदवाराने ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरतेवेळी सर्व आवश्यक कागदपत्रे आणि स्वतःचा अलीकडील काळातील पासपोर्ट साईज फोटो व सहीचीscanned image स्वतः जवळ असण्याची खात्री करावी. फॉर्म भरते वेळी आपल्याला फोटो व सहीची image upload करावी लागेल.
ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरण्यासाठी “Apply Online” ह्या लिंक वर क्लीक करून अर्ज भरण्यास सुरवात करावी.
आपल्यास अर्ज करावयाचे पद निवडा. एक-एक करत आपल्यास विचारलेल्या प्रश्नांचे उत्तर (Yes/No) पैकी योग्य पर्याय निवडा, संगणक प्रणाली तुम्ही दिलेल्या उत्तरांच्या आधारे तुमची प्राथमिकपात्रता तपासेल.
जर प्राथमिक पात्रता चाचणीतआपण पात्र असाल तर ज्या विभागासाठी अर्ज भरायचा आहे तो विभाग निवडा आणि आवश्यक माहिती भरा.
आवश्यक माहिती भरल्यानंतर संगणक प्रणाली तुमचा लॉगीन आय.डी, पासवर्ड आणि एस.बी.आय चलन निर्माण करून तुम्हाला तुमच्या स्क्रीनवर लॉगीन आय.डी, पासवर्ड दाखवेल आणि तुम्ही पुरवलेल्या मोबाईल क्रमांकावर SMS करेल (कृपया आपण आपला मोबाईल क्रमांक अचूकटाकावा जेणेकरून आपल्याला लॉगीन आय.डी आणि पास वर्ड ची माहिती आपल्या मोबाईल क्रमांकावर एस.एम.एस द्वारे प्राप्त होईल) . हा लॉगीन आय.डी म्हणजेच तुमचा अर्ज क्रमांक असेल.
तुमच्या लॉगीन आय.डी आणि पासवर्डची माहिती व चलन “ Print My Login Challan details” ह्या बटनवर क्लीक करून प्रिंट करावी.
चलन प्राप्त केल्या नंतर, कार्यालयीन कामकाजाच्या दुसऱ्या दिवशी आपल्या नजीकच्या भारतीय स्टेट बँकेच्या कोणत्याही शाखेमध्ये जावे व चलनावर दर्शविलेले शुल्क बँकेत जमा करावे. बँक तुम्हाला शुल्क जमा केल्याची पोहोच देईल.
कृपया शुल्क,चलनावर दर्शवलेल्या अंतिम तारखेच्या आत भरा. एकदा भरलेली फी कोणत्याही कारणास्तव परत केली जाणार नाही.
भारतीय स्टेट बँकेत चलनाद्वारे शुल्क भरल्यानंतर कार्यालयीन कामकाजाच्या दुसऱ्या दिवशी उर्वरित ऑनलाईन अर्ज “Fill Application Form / अर्ज भरा ” ह्या लिंकवर क्लीक करून अर्ज पूर्ण भरावा.भारतीय स्टेट बँकेत चलनाद्वारे शुल्क भरल्यानंतर अर्जदाराने अर्जामध्ये खालील माहिती भरून अर्ज पूर्ण करणेआवश्यक आहे त्याशिवाय आपला अर्ज पूर्ण होणार नाही.
- वैयाक्तिक माहिती.
- आरक्षण बद्दलची माहिती.
- शैक्षणिकमाहिती.
- फोटो आणि सही अपलोड.
- कामाचा अनुभव.
- इतर आवश्यक माहिती
वरील सर्व माहिती अर्जामध्ये भरावी ती भरल्याशिवाय आपला अर्ज पूर्ण होणार नाही.माहिती भरल्यानंतर अर्जाची प्रिंट काढून आपल्या माहिती साठी जतन करून ठेवावी.
ऑनलाईन अर्ज पूर्ण भरल्यानंतर अर्जाची प्रत मुख्य वनसंरक्षक (प्रादेशिक) कार्यालयाला किंवा एम.के.सी.एल.ला पाठविण्याची आवशकता नाही.
तुमची अर्ज प्रक्रिया येथे पूर्ण होते. अर्जदाराने नियमितपणे वेबसाइट चेक करावी.
लेखी परीक्षेचे ओळख पत्र परिक्षापूर्वी तुमच्या लॉगीन मध्ये व वेबसाइट वर उपलब्ध राहिल. ह्यासाठी वेगळा पत्रव्यवहार केला जाणार नाही. याची कृपया नोंद घ्यावी.
भरती प्रक्रिया शुल्क :
खुल्या प्रवर्गातील उमेदवारांना रुपये २००/- आणि मागास प्रवर्गातील उमेदवारांना रुपये १००/- एवढे भारती प्रक्रिया शुल्क जाहिरातीत नमूद केलेल्या पद्धतीनुसार स्टेट बँक ऑफ इंडियाच्या शाखेत भरावे लागेल.
Kolhapur District Forest Guard Recruitment 2012
Kolhapur District Forest Guard Recruitment 2012
Online Kolhapur District Forest Guard Recruitment 2012 | Apply Online For Forest Guard Recruitment 2012 Kolhapur District | Kolhapur Conservator of Forest 2012 Recruitment ProcessOffice of the Chief Conservator of Forest (Territorial)
Application Process For Recruitment Forest Department |
1. Read the Advertisement carefully.
2. Check the eligibility of post given in advertisement for which you are applying.
While filling online application, please keep on hand all necessary
documents. You will also require scanned images of your latest passport
size photograph and signature to be uploaded while filling the online
application form.
4. Click on “Apply Online” link to start filling online application form.
Select the post you want to apply. One by one select correct options
(Yes/No) for the questions on the screen. Software will check your
primary eligibility based upon your responses.
If you are primarily eligible for selected post then proceed andselect
division wise post to be applied.Fill the required details asked in the
online application form.
7. After
filling required information, system will generate login ID, password
and SBI challan which will be displayed on the screen. You will also
receive your login ID and password on SMS. (Please enter correct mobile
number to get login ID and password by SMS) . This Login ID is also your
form number.
8. Take a print out of Login details and Challan by clicking on “Print My Login Challan details” button.
Applicant should visit nearest SBI bank on next working day along with
duly filled challan and pay application fee along with bank charges in
cash as printed on the challan. Bank will accept application fee and
give acknowledgement on applicant copy of the challan.
10. Please pay applicable fee before last date mentioned in the advertisement. Fees once paid are non-refundable.
After making payment of fees in SBI, it takes one working day for the
reconciliation of fee paid by you. Login again on the website, click on
“Fill Application Form” link and complete and approve and take printout
of the online application form on the NEXT working day. Applicant must
fill following information in the form.
- · Personal Information.
- · Reservation Details.
- · Qualification Details.
- · Upload scanned copy of Photograph and Signature.
- · Experience Details.
- · Other Essential Information.
filling above information your form will not be complete. Fill the
above information in online application form, approve the information
filled in the form and take printout of the form for your reference.
You do NOT have to send the printout of application form to Forest Department or MKCL.
application process is now complete. Please check the website for
regular updates. Admit card for written examination shall be available
in your login as well as on the website before the examination date.
There will not be any written communication before the examination.
Important Dates for CCF Kolhapur
Sr No
| |
| ||
1 | Online filling of Application form & Registration . | 10.9.2012 | 1.10.2012 |
2 | Schedule for Fee Acceptance by SBI Bank through Computer Generated Challan. | 10.9.2012 | 1.10.2012 |
3 | Schedule for the Candidates who paid the fees in SBI Bank till dated 1.10.2012, can Fill the remaining Online Form. |
Fees Structure For Recruitment Process :
For For Open Category – Rs.200/-
For Reserved Category - Rs.100/-
Payment to be made in SBI Bank (using printed challan available after registration.)
(Note: Bank charges Extra as applicable.)
NO Fee for Ex-Serviceman
Following is Advertisement For Kolhapur District Recruitment of Forest Department
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
October 2012 Exam Time Table Solapur University
October 2012 Exam Time Table Solapur University
B.A, B.Sc., B.Com., MBA 2012 Supplementary Exam Timetable Solapur University | Solapur University Winter 2012 Result | Download Timetable Solapur University 2012
Exam schedule/Time Table
Draft and Final Time Table of October/November 2012 Examinations
1. B.A. Part-III (Final Program)
2. B.A. Sem. I to V (Revised Final Program)
3. M.A. Sem I to IV (Languages & Social Science) (Draft Program)
4. M.A. - A.I.H.C. Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
5. M.A. - Applied Economics Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
6. M.A. - Mass Communication Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
7. M.A. - Rural Development Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
8. M.A. - Education Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
9. M.S.W. Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
10. B.Com. Part-III (Final Program)
11. B.Com. Sem. I to V (Final Program)
12. B.B.A. Part-III (Final Program)
13. B.B.A. Sem I to V (Final Program)
14. M.Com. Sem I to IV
15. M.C.A. - Commerce Sem I to V
16. Law Sem I to X (Draft Program)
17. LL.M. Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
18. M.B.A. Sem I to IV
19. B.C.A. - Commerce Sem I to VI (Draft Program)
20. D.B.M. Sem I to II
21. P.G.D.C.A. Sem I to II
22. B.Sc. Part-III (Final Program)
23. B.Sc. Sem. I to V (Final Program)
24. B.Sc. Biotechnology Part III (Draft Program)
25. B.Sc. Biotechnology Sem I to V (Draft Program)
26. B.Sc. Entrepreneurship Part III (Draft Program)
27. B.Sc. Entrepreneurship Sem I to V
28. B.Sc. E.C.S. Part-III (Final Program)
29. B.Sc. E.C.S. Sem I to V (Final Program)
30. M.C.A. - Science Sem I to V (Draft Program)
31. M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics Sem I to IV
32. M.A./M.Sc. Geography Sem I to IV
33. M.Sc. Statistics Sem I to IV
34. M.Sc. Botany Sem I to IV
35. M.Sc. Micribiology Sem I to IV
36. M.Sc. Zoology Sem I to IV
37. M.Sc. Applied Geology Sem I to IV
38. M.Sc. Environment Science Sem I to IV
39. M.Sc. Geoinformatics Sem I to IV
40. M.Sc. Chemistry (All) Sem I to IV
41. M.Sc. Applied Electronics Sem I to IV
42. M.Sc. Electronics Sem I to IV
43. M.Sc. A.G.P.M. Sem I to IV
44. M.Sc. Computer Science Sem I to IV
45. M.Sc. Material Science (Physics) Sem I to IV
46. M.Sc. Genetics Sem I to IV
47. M.Sc. Bioinformatics Sem I to IV
48. M.Sc. Electronics Comm. Science Sem I to IV
49. M.Sc. Biotechnology Sem I to IV
50. B.Ed. Sem I to II
51. M.Ed. Sem I to II
1. B.A. Part-III (Final Program)
2. B.A. Sem. I to V (Revised Final Program)
3. M.A. Sem I to IV (Languages & Social Science) (Draft Program)
4. M.A. - A.I.H.C. Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
5. M.A. - Applied Economics Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
6. M.A. - Mass Communication Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
7. M.A. - Rural Development Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
8. M.A. - Education Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
9. M.S.W. Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
10. B.Com. Part-III (Final Program)
11. B.Com. Sem. I to V (Final Program)
12. B.B.A. Part-III (Final Program)
13. B.B.A. Sem I to V (Final Program)
14. M.Com. Sem I to IV
15. M.C.A. - Commerce Sem I to V
16. Law Sem I to X (Draft Program)
17. LL.M. Sem I to IV (Draft Program)
18. M.B.A. Sem I to IV
19. B.C.A. - Commerce Sem I to VI (Draft Program)
20. D.B.M. Sem I to II
21. P.G.D.C.A. Sem I to II
22. B.Sc. Part-III (Final Program)
23. B.Sc. Sem. I to V (Final Program)
24. B.Sc. Biotechnology Part III (Draft Program)
25. B.Sc. Biotechnology Sem I to V (Draft Program)
26. B.Sc. Entrepreneurship Part III (Draft Program)
27. B.Sc. Entrepreneurship Sem I to V
28. B.Sc. E.C.S. Part-III (Final Program)
29. B.Sc. E.C.S. Sem I to V (Final Program)
30. M.C.A. - Science Sem I to V (Draft Program)
31. M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics Sem I to IV
32. M.A./M.Sc. Geography Sem I to IV
33. M.Sc. Statistics Sem I to IV
34. M.Sc. Botany Sem I to IV
35. M.Sc. Micribiology Sem I to IV
36. M.Sc. Zoology Sem I to IV
37. M.Sc. Applied Geology Sem I to IV
38. M.Sc. Environment Science Sem I to IV
39. M.Sc. Geoinformatics Sem I to IV
40. M.Sc. Chemistry (All) Sem I to IV
41. M.Sc. Applied Electronics Sem I to IV
42. M.Sc. Electronics Sem I to IV
43. M.Sc. A.G.P.M. Sem I to IV
44. M.Sc. Computer Science Sem I to IV
45. M.Sc. Material Science (Physics) Sem I to IV
46. M.Sc. Genetics Sem I to IV
47. M.Sc. Bioinformatics Sem I to IV
48. M.Sc. Electronics Comm. Science Sem I to IV
49. M.Sc. Biotechnology Sem I to IV
50. B.Ed. Sem I to II
51. M.Ed. Sem I to II
M.D. / M.S. (Medical) MUHS Nashik Results 2012
M.D. / M.S. (Medical) MUHS Nashik Results 2012
M.D. / M.S. (Medical)
28 June 2012 |
Revaluation B.M.S. Sem 5, Sem 6 Result 2012 Mumbai University
Revaluation B.M.S. Sem 5, Sem 6 Result 2012 Mumbai University
Mumbai University 2012 Revaluation Result , BMS 2012 Result Mumbai University


B.Com. Sem 6 Revaluation Result 2012 Mumbai University
B.Com. Sem 6 Revaluation Result 2012 Mumbai University
B.Com. (Commerce 2012) Result of Mumbai University Reval, Revaluation Result of Mumbai University B.Com Semester Six, B.Com. Semester 6, 5 Result of Mumbai University




T.Y.B.Com. Revaluation Result Mumbai University
T.Y.B.Com. Revaluation Result Mumbai University
Mumbai University 2012 B.Com. Revaluation Result | Online Result of Reval Mumbai University | Mumbai University Results Download
B.Ed. Sem 1, Sem 2 Revaluation Result Mumbai University
B.Ed. Sem 1, Sem 2 Revaluation Result Mumbai University
Semester 1 B.Ed. Result 2012 Mumbai University, B.Ed. Semester 2 Result 2012 University of Mumbai, Reval B.Ed. Result Mumbai University
TYBA Revaluation 2012 Result Mumbai University
TYBA Revaluation 2012 Result Mumbai University
TYBA Reval Result of mumbai University | T.Y.B.A. Revaluation Result of Mumbai University | Online Result if Reval Arts TYBA 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Online Result (BE All Branches) Pune University 2012
Online Result (BE All Branches) Pune University 2012
Pune University B.E. 2012 Results of All Semester All Branches | Marksheet Download Pune University Engineering 2012 Results | Online Results of Pune University BE 2012
Kolhapur Forest Guard Recruitment 2012
Kolhapur Forest Guard Recruitment 2012
Kolhapur District Forest Guard Recruitment 2012 | Apply Online For Forest Guard Recruitment 2012 | Kolhapur Conservator of Forest 2012 Recruitment Process
Office of the Chief Conservator of Forest (Territorial)
Application Process For Recruitment Forest Department |
1. Read the Advertisement carefully.
2. Check the eligibility of post given in advertisement for which you are applying.
While filling online application, please keep on hand all necessary
documents. You will also require scanned images of your latest passport
size photograph and signature to be uploaded while filling the online
application form.
4. Click on “Apply Online” link to start filling online application form.
Select the post you want to apply. One by one select correct options
(Yes/No) for the questions on the screen. Software will check your
primary eligibility based upon your responses.
If you are primarily eligible for selected post then proceed andselect
division wise post to be applied.Fill the required details asked in the
online application form.
7. After
filling required information, system will generate login ID, password
and SBI challan which will be displayed on the screen. You will also
receive your login ID and password on SMS. (Please enter correct mobile
number to get login ID and password by SMS) . This Login ID is also your
form number.
8. Take a print out of Login details and Challan by clicking on “Print My Login Challan details” button.
Applicant should visit nearest SBI bank on next working day along with
duly filled challan and pay application fee along with bank charges in
cash as printed on the challan. Bank will accept application fee and
give acknowledgement on applicant copy of the challan.
10. Please pay applicable fee before last date mentioned in the advertisement. Fees once paid are non-refundable.
After making payment of fees in SBI, it takes one working day for the
reconciliation of fee paid by you. Login again on the website, click on
“Fill Application Form” link and complete and approve and take printout
of the online application form on the NEXT working day. Applicant must
fill following information in the form.
· Personal Information.
· Reservation Details.
· Qualification Details.
· Upload scanned copy of Photograph and Signature.
· Experience Details.
· Other Essential Information.
filling above information your form will not be complete. Fill the
above information in online application form, approve the information
filled in the form and take printout of the form for your reference.
You do NOT have to send the printout of application form to Forest Department or MKCL.
application process is now complete. Please check the website for
regular updates. Admit card for written examination shall be available
in your login as well as on the website before the examination date.
There will not be any written communication before the examination.
Important Dates for CCF Kolhapur
Sr No
| |
| ||
1 | Online filling of Application form & Registration . | 10.9.2012 | 1.10.2012 |
2 | Schedule for Fee Acceptance by SBI Bank through Computer Generated Challan. | 10.9.2012 | 1.10.2012 |
3 | Schedule for the Candidates who paid the fees in SBI Bank till dated 1.10.2012, can Fill the remaining Online Form. |
Fees Structure For Recruitment Process :
For For Open Category – Rs.200/-
For Reserved Category - Rs.100/-
Payment to be made in SBI Bank (using printed challan available after registration.)
(Note: Bank charges Extra as applicable.)
NO Fee for Ex-Serviceman
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