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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Check Status of Caste Validity Certificate Verification Pune Maharashtra

On-line Check Status of Caste Validity Certificate Verification Pune 2018

Check Status of Cast Certificate Validation | Check Application Status For Cats Certificate Verification Process | Verification of Cast Validity Pune On-line Status 
Cast Verification System, Online Tracking System of Cast Validity.

Caste Validity Status Checking Online Now. All details & important Links are given here. For all updates keep visiting us. We will keep adding Latest details on this page. 

Dear Friends, Following is Cast Validity Certificate Status Tracking System.
Cast Validity Verification 2018 Online Application Forms details. How to check the Current Status of the Cast Validity. Respective details of Pune Cast Validity System.

To Check your Cast Validity Status using Following System
  • Step 1 : Enter Your Surname & Caste then 
  • Step 2 : Select your Committee where you have Submitted Your Application Form.
  • Final Step : Click on Search Sutton. 
If Following Verification System fails to give you status of your Application Try Following Alternate Verification System :

You will get Current Status of Your Application, If Any Problem Comments are welcome with your E-Mail id. 

Enter Surname, Caste & Committee From Above Box & Click on Search Button to get Latest Status of Your Application...

Current Status of Cast Validity District Wise 

 Committee-wise Online Registration Status
Sr. No CommitteesTotal Registration as On
 1 Pune 8626 8626 8626
 2 Thane 20436 20436 20436
 3 Nashik 26768 26768 26768
 4 Aurangabad 10940 10940 10940
 5 Amaravati 13178 13178 13178
 6 Nagpur 9686 9686 9686
 7 Nandurbar 24219 24219 24219
 8 Gadchiroli 9002 9002 9002
 Total 122855 122855 122855

Caste Verification Cases Decided विशेष मोहिमेंतर्गत जात वैधता प्रमाणपत्राबाबत या वेबसाईटचा वापर करावा.

जात पडताळणीसाठी विभागीय जात प्रमाणपत्रासाठी समिती क्रमांक ३ , पुणे कडे आलेले अर्ज निकाली काढण्यासाठी विशेष मोहिम राबविण्यात येत आहे. या समितीने वैध ठरविलेल्या अर्जांची माहिती या  वेबसाइटवर देण्यात येणार आहे

वरील form मध्ये माहिती न भेटलास खालील दुसऱ्या लिंकचा उपयोग करावा 


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Anonymous said...

Thanks Very Useful... I Gos My Status of Cast Validity...

Anonymous said...

In the list of status of caste validity certificate ,my name is not there ,then what should i do

Unknown said...

What time is needed it after submiting validity form

nirmale anjali ananda said...

please it request to cast veritiction as soon as possoble early

Unknown said...

my name is no found in list please help me....

ADMIN said...

it may takes 15 to 20 days from Submition of application to locate your status of Cast validity.

Ashok Sajjanshetty said...

My elder daughter Shweta Sajjanshetty's caste validity received in 2010. my second daughter Nameeta Sajjanshetty caste validity not yet received. I have submitted at Swargate office and reached at Yerawda office on 14th september 2012. in bunch of 70 application my daughters application serially at 64th location.please let me know me the status.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I am trying to know status of my caste validity application on this link. Eventhough following all instructions & entering my surname & caste the search result shows name not found enter more characters of name & caste. Please help & guide me to find my status. Thanks & Regards.

Anonymous said...

my name found..then my caste cert. process is completed..

Anonymous said...

please distributes cvc erlier as possible

Unknown said...

my name is there i list but there is certificate num. is not writen so what should I concider it is in process or what???

Akanksha said...

i cant see my status of cast validity it show req minimum 3 characters of surname and caste if cast is of only 2 character ie SC then what should i do n how will i know it is in process or not ?

Anonymous said...

Snehal same problem here

Unknown said...

what kind of problem sir.... what should i do???

Anonymous said...

Ashok Kashinath Chavan 24.11.2012

My daughter's caste validity certificate is urgently required, as I cannot afford the fees of Engineering fees.
Please look into the matter seriously and publish the list of caste validity certificate.

Anonymous said...

Ashok Kashinath Chavan.24.11.2012

Please publish the list of OBC caste validity certificates as early as possible.

Unknown said...

I am Santosh S Shinde(mob:9623083106) my name is not in the list also so please guide me what should i do. 30/11/2012 is last date given by college of caste certificate submission. please tell me how can i get what caste certificate as earlier as possible Please guide me something

One more thing I really appreciate to caste varification comitee thay taken strict action and do thair work fastely with taken internet help hope this strategy will continue with lots energy at end we all will cooperate with you
Thank you..

Anonymous said...

I have submited my cast verification form to OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT WELFARE OFFICE,PUNE,PUNE DISTRICT and acknowledged vide number-1969 dated 29/06/2012.
Till date my name is not listed in caste validity certificate list..please expedite..

Unknown said...

i am anilkumar D mhaske{mob-9762041442} i submited all possible doc. but there are some problame with me.... so plz help me!!

Unknown said...

I already submitted my sons docu Pratik Ganesh Gaikwad for cast validity at Yervada Office on 22 Oct 12 but till date his name also not found on the website. Plese let me know upto which date the verification is completed.

Anonymous said...

plz kindly tell me the address of yerwada office.. plz

Anonymous said...

Bhagwan bhorose

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am Kunal Madan Ghamandekar my name is not in the list also so please guide me what should i do. 30/11/2012 In July 2012 i had given by college of caste validity certificate submission. please tell me how can i get my caste validity certificate as earlier as possible. I want to take addmission for next management course.without this certificate i can not continue my course.Please guide me something

Anonymous said...

hello team i found my name in the list so please sugeest me how can i get my cast validity certificate? there is given option that issued by deputy collecter C.F.C Pune.

Anonymous said...

I am Dr. Girish basavraj kalyanshetti i have submitted my caste validity proposal on 25th April 2001 with all the neccessary documents through proper Channel. outward no. is sgmck/100/ 25/4/2001. kindly look into the matter and issue me the caste validity certificate to me. i tried to see thhe status on line but it could not. kindly look into and oblige.

Anonymous said...

very fast process

Anonymous said...

it's not working.......

Anonymous said...

m nt founding my name in the list....itz alomost 2 months from the i submitted...!!!
plz help me...!!!!

sneha said...


Unknown said...

i am Deepak Nagnath Suryawanshi i urgently required my cast validity which apply in march 2012 but till; my validity certificate not receive so please give me my validity early as possible

Anonymous said...

agadi ushir lavla...tumch tr kai pn

Abhijeet Jadhav said...

Please verify about my caste validity.i required it urgent for my next admission process. it shows pending on my page. please let me know about it .it is still pending in my status .
abhijeet jadhav

Anonymous said...

My sons name is Sawale Aditya Minanath.
He is studing in Sathye college Vile parle (E) mumbai. Now in 12th science.
Our cast is Hindu Chambhar.
We have submitted cast verification application in the college administration almost one year back.
His name is not appearing cast validity list.
PL see and help.

Minanath Sawale

Diksha Kharat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nazim said...

My son, Moij Nazim Maniyar studing in anglo urdu boys highschool and jr callege, pune-1. Cast is maniyar (muslim). Aplied for cast verification on 23.11.2011. Status of my son is not available. Plz help to know me status if pending and why. (9423371613).
Regards, Nazim Maniyar.

Anonymous said...

Sir i m ajay hanmant bhat i m stdying d y patil clg of engg. Pimpri pune. I hv sbmitted my caste validity documents in my clg through pune division and there caste validity comiti sir told this documents transfer to kolhapur division my brother uday bhat caste validity also attached to the document. What we hv prblem to give my caste validity sir plz rply

Unknown said...

I am trying to know status of my caste validity application on this link. Eventhough following all instructions & entering my surname & caste the search result shows name not found enter more characters of name & caste. Please help & guide me to find my status. Thanks & Regards.

Unknown said...

i have submitted all docs before 4 months . but till now i dont have received cast validity.....,but i need it urgently ...otherwise my admission will be cancelled.,

Anonymous said...

i have submitted my application in month of june 2012 to kolhapur & application of my son in the month of oct 2012 but till date there is no action seen regarding those both applications now soon there will be requirement of certificates for admissions in colleges what to do?

Unknown said...

my name is not found in the list what i can do.

Anonymous said...

my name is showing no result what shoulad i do?

nalwad shiva said...

i submitted my validity application in augest month but not validity comlete

Unknown said...

my name is . dahiphale dattatray narsing ,college name is :
kj's education trinity college of engineering pune .
case no .6249
hallo sir please cheack my from sataus , i am submit 09/10/2012 schorship requiared cast validity no , validity not inserted in from i am not capable for schlorship , plz send application satuse

Anonymous said...

My name is Namrata Sanjiwan Kamble my name is not there in the list so till when the next list will be displayed

baangi farid ladalesaheb said...

hearing of my file had been done and the officer had taken the decision about my file and they told me that you will get it after 15 day . but when i reached their after 15 day they were saying that your file have been lost
i want to know where is my file .
you will get this issue from rti also
first time i submitted my file on year 2008 still i am on same place after six year
i have right to know where is my file
i have letter from you that you have called me for hearing

Unknown said...

i have submitted all docs before 4 months . but till now i dont have received cast validity.....,but i need it urgently ...otherwise my admission will be cancelled
my no 8793827676

Swapnil said...


My name is swapnil, i hve send my application on 31st Jan 2013, bt as i enquired abt status to commitee clerk she is saying that my name is not there in the list....wht does it mean? you guys hve lost my application or wht?....please adivice..

Swapnil said...

My name is Swapnil Dhaware (MO.9325120788) Please call me if you have any information bcoz its very very urgent

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Ashabai Arun Mali
i have submitted my all docs before one year. once again i submitted it before 4 month..but till i didnt got caste validity certificate..but i need it urgently ohterwise my admission will be cancelled
my mob. no 9509774706

Anonymous said...

wasim .ismail.mankar
respected admin i have submitted my documents in college.i study in pune..but from satara district...its been more than 6 to 8 months my name is not shown in the list ..nor i cannot track my validity case status..plz help me as i have to submit my certificate for coming acadmic year..thank you

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am unable to see my current status of case validity status..pls help me case no is 5644.

Thanks & Regards,
Archana Bamne

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is sunil rathod.
From Bhor, tal-Bjor, Dist-Pune.
I am unable to see my current status of catse validity status..pls help me.
My Mob. No.-8421160677
plz. Help me for my comig academic year.
Thanks & Regards,

Anonymous said...

i have submit all document in my collage. But not get verification . Please help me
from nashik , bytco college nashik road.
akshay zade

Unknown said...

Farooque Ahmed momin May 24, 2013 at 5:15 PM
please give me my cast validity soon as possible Momin Adil Nasir Husain ST-PU-30111SBC(OBC)-3776. Date. 01/10/2011.

Anonymous said...

still did not get caste validity certifcate ,,,,,,,,, please take some action ///

seema darade said...

Hello my father's name is present in that list.So we go for collection of caste validity. at that time they ask us for V.C no and Lot no. so which are these no? tell me as early as possible. please reply..

Anonymous said...

I have submitted caste verification form three months back. but on checking online it says that my name is not there in the list.

Unknown said...

sir, my name is there in barti as well as in e-caste validity frm 2 years but uptill now i didnt get a validity whts the prblm, sir plz say i m waitng

Anonymous said...

i want to know in which caste dose the surname :- ( Sobhage ) comes can someone help me please ?

Arvind said...

What is the meaning A-Valid and C-Valid

sunny said...

Sar my name is archna d aher cast-mahar sc maze jat praman ptra online disat aahe .pan te mla kothun aani kase bhetnar? Kiva mla tumchya punela yave lagnar? Plese mla help kara.

Anonymous said...

How could I get caste validity online application form please reply me as early as possible.

Unknown said...

hey there, my name is also in the list. kindly guide how to get the same. it's been issued by Deputy collector NAGPUR..
name: prashil bambale ;
contact no.:9442899232
help needed urgently..

Unknown said...

pl guide how to get the same if the name is appearing in the list.

Unknown said...

sir, my name is in the list. kindly guide how to get the same. it's been issued by Deputy collector NAGPUR..
name: prashil bambale
contact no.:9442899232
help needed urgently..

pramod said...

Hy sir,me document submitt kele ahe tari maze caste validity certificate milale nahi.& list madhe maze name disat nahi.please help me.
Name- Patil Pramod Devidas
Help needed urgently

Nazim said...

Nazim said...

My son, Moij Nazim Maniyar studing at pune-1. Cast is maniyar (muslim). Aplied for cast verification on 23.11.2011. Status of my son is available now. Validity done. Thanx a lot sir!
Regards, Nazim Maniyar.

Swapnil said...

what does N-Valid status mean

Anonymous said...

there is no result for my name then what i do?
my name is irshad nadaf caste pinjari (177) kolhapur division date of submission 30/08/2012 through college

dhananjay said...

My name is Diwakar Bhaurao Ganjare. I have submitted the application of for verification of OBC to Nagpur Division Committee's Wardha CCV No.1, Nagpur on dated 29.11.2012. My token 9687. But regretfully I have not got any message till this date. My mobile number is written on the Setu Token receipt. Will the concerned authorities help? Thank you.
Diwakar B.Ganjare.

Unknown said...

My cast obc/SHIMPI I have submitted all document
and I want my caste validity certificate URGENTLY
otherwise i will not be applicable for my admission and for the scholarship form.

my no: 8237445332
email id:

Anonymous said...

My wife Mrs.Kshitija Diwakar has submitted an application for catse validation certificate to the divisional caste validity office at PMT building on 31-05-2010, having inward number "se / 813 ". Further, my wife has retired from PMC in 2010.We are under impression that my wife has to submit caste validity certificate to her department before end of Sept, 2013. Last about three years, we have visited the said office many a times. But we are not able to get either the certificate or the status of the application. Please help to proceed further.Website on the application status is not functioning properly. Dr. P.G.Diwakar

Unknown said...

Sir, What is the difference between A-VALID, C-VALID and N-VALID??

Unknown said...

my caste validity no name on the list please help me sir my application date is 8/7/2013 in amravati my mobile no. is 9404607653 my email is please get result fast sir

Unknown said...

sir i applied in dec nashik division.but i dont get any information or certificate.secondly i applied in sep 2013 but i dont get any information.please give me some information.

Anonymous said...

hi,i have submitted cast validity form on june 2011 but still I am not getting any reply.
my father is from chandrapur . kindly suggest where I have to search my cast validity certificate. Please suggest web site, contact numbers.

Unknown said...

Plz give me the proper know my application status. gmail id is ......plz...I want my validity as early as possible. ...

Anonymous said...

where to get application form for cast validity certificate?

Anonymous said...

My name is not found in the list now what can I do

Unknown said...

I chandrakant janardan chinchghare submitted cast validity paper to scrutiny comity NAGPUR 3, case no. 2/100013/13 dt. 6/9/2013. I also submitted request letter to comity for urgency of cast validity certificate.

Unknown said...


Digital Fashion Illustration said...

i stay in tal kopergaon dist ahemednagar.i applied the cast validity form in 2013 in dec.ending but my validity can not get to me. please can you tell me which process i can complet.

Unknown said...

hi I am balasaheb pralhad mali i have submitted application for cast validity to solapur division on 30-9-2013 with application no - 5749. kindly tell me status of my application


My cast SC/HINDU MAHAR. I have submitted all document
and I want my caste validity certificate URGENTLY
otherwise i will not be applicable for my admission and for the scholarship form.

my no: 7709492783
March 30, 2014 at 12:00 AM

Unknown said...

I give my all documents for the validity on 17/12/2013. But from you thete is no response please do something I needed it very urgently.

Anonymous said...

no response on your official website

Pranav said...

Where will I get my cast validity status I have submitted my documents in RATNAGIRI office.
Share link please

Bhupesh bhosale said...

My name Bhupesh Bhosale
As I have submitted all document on 20march 2014 but still my name is not on the selected list nor on pending list awiating for my name on list. Please. Inform me what is problem.
Kindly do the needful. Caste - SC

Anonymous said...

I have submited my cast verification form to OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT WELFARE OFFICE,PUNE, NAGPUR DISTRICT.
My name is in the list. Pls guide how to get the hardcopy of the same.

Unknown said...

plz guide me , i m not getting my name here

Anonymous said...

Santosh Kundlik Dhakane I apply my caste validity application form at amravati akola.division committee. I search my application form proess. but did not see. Please guide.

Harshal Bhalerao said...

Even after following the steps I can't see my name in the list. What should I do now?

Anonymous said...

Up caste Certificate ka Application form Kha se Download kreee

Anonymous said...

My name is not found in the list.
Sapa Shubhankar Ganesh
Hindu Padmashali
Mail id :

Anonymous said...

My cast validity form submitted dated 09/11/2015 . Bt my name not in list then what should I do,? Plz give me suggestion.
Yuvraj Dattaray Kumbhar

Unknown said...

plz guide me , i m not getting my name here

Radheya sanjay Dixit

Unknown said...

I haven't got that link of surname ...plz help n send me that link

Unknown said...

I haven't got that link of surname ...plz help n send me that link

Unknown said...

I haven't got that link of surname ...plz help n send me that link

Unknown said...

Awesome blog really helpful for us. Glad you shared this with us.

Unknown said...

Awesome blog really helpful for us. Glad you shared this with us.

Ashu said...

Is there any validity for caste validity certificate?just like it will use 1 year or lifetime.

Unknown said...

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भगवान जी. सुर्यवंशी said...

I am a student of LL.B. First Year Course during this Academic Year 2016-17. In relation to my Caste Validity Certificate my Home District CVC, Latur told that LL.B. Course is not included as "Professional/Managment Course" vide G.R. dated 13/07/2008.

They have advised that the Concerned Dept. i.e. Higher Education, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mantralaya has to issue the G.R. regading the consideration of LL.B. Course student's Caste Certificate Validity also has to be done. Then only our Caste Validity application will be considered positively for further process neither no. The LL.B. Students should not be held responsible for that matter till the G.R. is issued.

Therefore kindly look into the matter and help to resolve this issue and oblige.

Waiting for your positive response at your earliest.

Kindly do the needful & oblige.

Thanking You.

With regards.
Bhagwan Suryawanshi

Ashwini said...

I haven't got the list of surname plz help n plz tell how to check application status

Sad said...

This is sick, no link for mumbai

Anonymous said...

sir im from vita sangali distic but recently im living in pune can i apply for cast validity application in pune ????

Unknown said...

As I click on scrutiny committee there is no option of Navi Mumbai. only Pune and Nashik is showing in the option, I submitted my documents in the kokan bhavan(Belapur).

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

my name is not found in the list. what i do?

Unknown said...

what is the process to register yourself. KVPY Application Form

Anonymous said...

where do i find caste validity no.?

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