CBSE to offer New courses in retail, security, IT and automobile
CONSIDERING the importance of industry-institute linkage. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to impart such education enable the students at school level to face the future challenges. Students in Sid IX will learn retail, security, information and automobile technology. Under the National Vocational Education Qualification Framework (NVEQF) the vocational courses have been introduced. It will be accomodated from 2013-14 at level I. Std IX onwards.
At senior secondary to impart knowledge and training. CBSE is currently offering various skill-based courses thai strengthen the core skills of the students. It was Ministry of Human Resource Development that launched the NVEQF to be implemented in schools, colleges, polytechnics and Universities.
CBSE has asked its schools to offer all these courses of 200 hours each as additional compulsory subjects by rationalising the existing content for Class IX and X on an experimental basis. Primarily these courses have already been introduced into schools affiliated to the board from the academic session 2012-13.
The competency-based curriculum package will consist of syllabus. student manual, trainers* guide, training manual, teacher qualifications and multimedia packages and e-material to facilitate the successful implementation of the courses.
The circular says that schools have to choose any one or more courses to be offered from Std IX onwards starling from the20l3-2014 session.
Another student believes the information technology course will be very popular among her classmates. "IT is a sector with a lot of job opportunities, and 1 am happy that we will learn about it from Std IX itself. Hopefully, it will give us an edge over others."
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