TMB Bank Clerk Recruitment Exam 2013
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd., focused its attention on the customers from the very beginning and the bank is known for its personalized service. The team of management and staff members of the bank are having the practice of meeting people from various walks of life and hear their requirements on a regular basis.
Important Dates:
Opening date of Online Registration- 30 January2013
Closing date of Online Registration- 20 Fabrurary 2013
Recruitment of Asst. Managers 2012-13
Learn more about the Recruitment of ...

Learn more about the Recruitment of Assistant Managers at TMB.
Opening date for Registering Online E-application: Jan 30, 2013.
Closing date for Registering Online E-application: Feb 20, 2013.
Note: Create an user id in our job portal first, then submit your resume and then finally Apply Online.
Any application submitted without registering online by e-Application will not be considered.
Ensure and register your correct email ID while creating User ID.
Post Graduate degree holder in Commerce / Business Administration /
Mathematics with First Class from a recognized University in regular
college course with knowledge in Computer Operations.Note: Both graduation & Post graduation should have been in regular college course and scored 60% and above marks in both the courses. In the case of SC/ST candidates’ minimum marks is 55% in both courses.
Note: Graduation from Open University and Correspondence courses are not eligible.
Maximum: 26 years as on Dec 31, 2012.Relaxation for MBC / BC will be 2 years. Relaxation for SC / ST / Physically Handicapped will be 5 years.
Cut Off Date of Birth for Graduates:
- For General: Date of Birth on or after - Jan. 01, 1987
- For MBC / BC: Date of Birth on or after - Jan. 01, 1985
- For SC / ST / PH: Date of Birth on or after - Jan. 01, 1982
will have to pay a fee of Rs. 500.00 by way of crossed demand draft
drawn in favour of Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. Payable at Thoothukudi /
Tuticorin or Tirunelveli.
Procedure for selection:
The candidates should appear for an ONLINE
Objective Type Examination. The date, Time and Venue of Online Test
will be communicated to the eligible candidates individually by
post/email. After evaluation, on the basis of the Online Test,
candidates will be short listed for a personal interview in the order of
Probationary Period:
candidates will be on Probation for a period of one year. At the end of
the probationary period they will be subjected to an internal screening
process to evaluate their performance before being confirmed in service.
Cadre, Pay and allowances:
candidates shall be posted in Assistant Manager (Scale-I) cadre. They
will be fixed in the following pay scale with applicable DA:14500 - 600/7 - 18700 - 700/2 - 20100 - 800/8 - 26500
The emoluments during the period of probation will be Basic Pay of Rs. 14,500/- plus applicable DA (At present Rs. 11,092/-) and other perquisites like reimbursement of house rent, fuel, entertainment, canteen, newspaper etc as applicable to the Scale-I officers.
In addition, he/she will be eligible for facilities like Gratuity, Pension, Leave Encashment, and Leave Fare Concession for self & dependent family members, Hospitalization Expenses for self & dependent family members, group insurance etc. as applicable under Bank's rules.
Place of Posting:
the selected candidates will be posted for 3 years in any branch/office
in other than their native state. Thereafter, the job is transferable
and the candidates should be ready to work anywhere in INDIA.
Submission of Hard Copy:
applied candidates should submit a hard copy of the E-application which
is printed after online registration and it should be accompanied by
the following documents:- Demand Draft.
- One recent passport size color photograph should be affixed on the Hard Copy of e-Application and the e-Application should be signed.
- Age Proof (Self attested Photo Copy of SSLC or Higher Secondary Mark Sheet or recent Transfer Certificate).
- Self attested Photo Copy of both degree Certificates or Provisional Certificates and SSLC, Higher Secondary & Consolidated Degree Mark Sheets.
- Proof for both degree completed in regular college course. (Any certificates received from the college. i.e. College name printed in degree certificate / mark sheet, Transfer Certificate, Conduct / Character certificate etc.
The cover containing printed e-Application should be super scribed as "Application for Recruitment of Asst. Managers 2012-13" and should be sent within 5 days from the date of online e-application filing but not later than Feb 25, 2013 to:
The General Manager,
Human Resources Development Department,
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd.
Head Office, # 57, V. E. Road,
Thoothukudi 628 002.
how to know the result of tmb clerical exam 2013 ? if anyone knows plz inform me ..!
hello sir ,when u publish the clerk exam result..still iam waiting for the result.....
TMB Clerk exam FEB 2013 Result Will be Published on April 1st Week...!
please inform me, when will publish tmb clerk exam result
please any one can inform me the tmb clerical feb 2013 result?
the result will be declared on after allotment of ibps clerks
anyone pls tel me date of tmb clerk result which s held on 10th feb,2013
helo sir epa sir result varum
result vanthathum solren.....
Tmb result has been announced
I got selected in written interview on 5th march in madurai..any body else got selected ?
Dinesh when u got letter??? 22 or 23rd ???
Dinesh Contact me im also selected
I am Gowrish from erode... I too got selected... My final round on 5th April in Thoothukudi... Anyone will go to tuticorin from erode contact me at
hi this is sandeep from trichy...i too cleared written exam...interview is on 5th april in tuticorin
pls inform me .when will publish tmb clerk exam results
Are results announces for all cities.. Am writing this on behalf of my friend who has writtern the exam.. Can i assume she hasn't cleared as am yet to receive kinda speed post..
hi.. congrats to selected candidates.....whether they sent any mail or letter or both.
when you get the letter from ban
23rd i got letter..anybody from salem or erode going to interview on 5th @ me
ii friends do u know where is the result been published
congrats to selected candidates where is the result been published friends
Thank u frnds:-):-) they send call letter for interview by post...
hi frds...I also got interview call thoothukudi...on april 6...
If the results for TMB recruitment is published in any website or result will send by post?
they have already sent post to qualified candidates....
anybody got interview date before 5
hey i got call on april 7 why not 5th any reason plz?
results are individually intimated to the qualified candidates by speed post.... visit
pls inform about the result individually........
Mention the rank listed in the top of the call letter & whats the net salary for the clerk
i had my interview on april my batch most of the aspirants from andra
----Arunkumar.R from chennai
Can u tel me where u have attended the interview in chennai?
in tmb royapetta head office
hey i have also attended my interview on april 4th mrng 10.30am at royapettah chennai...can u anyone tel me when is the last interview date and when wil tmb announce the interview results???
hey if any one receive tmb clark interview result inform here....
If any one got the TMB final interview results post here.
yeah m also on the same place but on 2nd rank listed in the top of the call letter was 20th....what's the chance guys....plz tell me on 9021688717.....
hey if any one got the final offer letter from tmb plzz inform here....
or any one knows when it's final result will be publish...
today few guys got offer letter for training through mail ....
is anybody attended the interview in thoothukudi have got offer letter through mail?
I am from Tuty. I have got offer letter from TMB. For me, training will starts on May 9 in Nagercoil.
is thre anyone who attended on from 4th to 6th of april got mail
Is the entire selection over?
tmb cheating the candiates????/
which day you attend interview pls reply?
anybody from andhra who had attend interview in madurai bet 2nd to 7th got offer letter or mail from tmb...
no frnd
Yes i am from andhra and i got offer letter, i attended on 5th april, my joining is on 9th may In chennai
Yes they are cheating the candidates..In 2012 also i got selected in written and also this year..but in final round they simply eliminating.. I think selection depends on caste..wat u think guys ??
when did u get yur offer letter?
when did you get your offer letter through post r mail?
Alteast Cant they Intimate In their TMB site Regarding Final Results, That too not done??
ya u r right.they have selected only their caste peoples.I heard it from a friend of mine .he tried it by a strong recommendation.But they told all this thing is just a cheating.
hi what is the syllabus pattern of tmb online exam for clerk post 2013?
pls help me.
when will tmb announce the assistant managers recruitment 13 results?
Anyone who knows please inform,,
Been waiting,,
When will TMB announce the result of assistant manager exam held on April 2013
t.m.b po result 2013 will be published
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