B.Sc. Sem 1 GONDWANA UNIVERSITY Winter 2012 Result
Result Date:- 04/02/2013
SEMESTER PATTERN WITH CREDIT GRADE SYSTEM FROM 2012-13 The following Roll Nos are declared successful. The figures in brackets indicate the SGPA out of 6.00 |
124010(5.76) 124030(4.12) 124031(4.12) 124032(4.88) 124036(4.88)
124047(4.36) 124057(4.60) 124074(5.16) 124078(5.60) 124079(5.36)
124085(4.88) 124087(5.24) 124095(4.64) 124111(5.00) 124127(5.64)
124134(5.76) 124136(5.16) 124146(4.76) 124151(3.76) 124177(5.32)
124178(4.52) 124187(4.12) 124189(4.76) 124201(4.96) 124204(4.88)
124241(4.12) 124243(4.60) 124297(4.64) 124408(5.16) 124415(3.96)
124418(5.08) 124421(4.64) 124428(5.12) 124430(4.52) 124433(5.00)
124438(4.52) 124441(4.72) 124442(4.88) 124443(4.60) 124455(4.52)
124464(4.84) 124472(4.76) 124484(4.76) 124488(4.28) 124501(3.24)
124504(5.24) 124508(5.08) 124509(5.28) 124534(5.36) 124538(4.56)
124565(4.04) 124568(4.52) 124726(3.56) 124820(3.32) 124849(5.72)
124861(4.12) 124866(5.12) 124873(4.12) 124892(5.20) 124917(5.00)
124921(4.52) 124961(4.76) 124962(6.00) 124988(4.52) 124997(4.28)
125002(4.76) 125017(3.80) 125045(3.64) 125048(3.96) 125057(4.76)
125064(5.00) 125067(4.64) 125071(4.76) 125075(4.12) 125099(3.72)
125112(3.76) 125114(3.88) 125115(4.28) 125122(5.64) 125217(3.68)
125254(4.76) 125291(4.36) 125298(4.60) 125322(3.76) 125323(4.76)
125345(5.00) 125349(4.80) 125352(4.52) 125373(4.88) 125377(4.16)
125381(4.40) 125392(3.96) 125460(5.24) 125556(4.88) 125577(5.08)
125586(4.48) 125587(3.60) 125595(4.08) 125596(4.76) 125601(4.36)
125604(4.24) 125606(3.08) 125610(4.24) 125614(4.64) 125618(4.76)
125624(3.80) 125632(3.84) 125640(4.08) 125641(4.04) 125649(4.28)
125650(4.28) 125651(5.00) 125652(4.40) 125655(3.92) 125656(3.60)
125663(3.56) 125666(4.04) 125670(4.88) 125673(4.04) 125674(4.52)
125680(3.80) 125683(3.00) 125685(3.88) 125688(3.80) 125692(4.16)
125693(3.00) 125698(4.28) 125700(3.52) 125702(3.40) 125704(4.04)
125708(3.48) 125716(2.92) 125717(3.00) 125718(3.92) 125721(3.40)
125868(4.48) 125880(3.52) 125885(4.76) 125889(5.24) 125905(4.32)
125957(5.24) 125958(4.36) 125962(4.36) 125991(3.12) 126000(4.80)
126004(4.92) 126056(3.80) 126067(2.88) 126123(4.28) 126133(5.60)
126153(5.00) 126174(4.76) 126209(4.76) 126219(5.00) 126227(4.20)
126232(5.12) 126333(4.72) 126354(4.28) 126381(4.52) 126440(3.72)
126441(3.36) 126500(3.00) 126516(4.12) 126542(3.24) 126569(5.24)
126573(5.24) 126593(3.40) 126597(5.00) 126604(4.84) 126608(3.88)
126609(4.76) 126617(5.24) 126621(4.76) 126622(5.40) 126649(5.24)
126682(4.28) 126683(3.68) 126686(3.92) 126708(3.88) 126754(3.72)
126769(5.00) 126778(4.28) 126810(3.96) 126853(5.08) 126858(4.48)
126860(4.36) 126878(5.00) 126937(4.36) 126952(5.52) 126953(5.00)
126982(4.60) 127113(3.72) 127141(3.60) 127167(4.52) 127175(5.88)
127300(4.40) 127326(4.64) 127336(4.76) 127341(4.00) 127360(3.48)
127361(3.84) 127369(4.28) 127370(4.28) 127372(4.04) 127374(3.88)
127375(3.80) 127376(3.80) 127378(4.04) 127381(4.28) 127384(4.92)
127385(4.76) 127387(5.48) 127394(4.28) 127395(4.52) 127397(3.12)
127399(4.16) 127400(4.84) 127403(4.36) 127406(4.88) 127407(5.12)
127408(4.04) 127411(4.60) 127413(3.88) 127415(4.88) 127416(4.16)
127417(4.28) 127422(4.04) 127424(4.28) 127425(4.16) 127429(3.24)
127445(3.52) 127446(3.00)
*** Withheld Roll Number for
124567 124582 124592 124650 124664 125540 125682
*** Withheld Roll
Number for Tabulation
124076 124344 124381 124556 124698 124770 124792 124802 124808 124813
124842 124978 125019 125021 125034 125042 125046 125065 125105 125421
125723 125729
125731 125741 125747 125752 125768 125785 125789 125796 125797 125809
126469 126824 126848 126855 126951 126970 126971 126973 127016 127085
*** Withheld Roll
Number for Office
124070 124234 124510 124572 124575 124628 124637 124686 124743 124763
124778 124780 124788 124864 124902 124907 124908 124982 124985 124987
125022 125027
125028 125029 125063 125068 125070 125073 125085 125128 125133 125138
125139 125141 125143 125146 125149 125158 125163 125168 125172 125173
125175 125192
125197 125207 125211 125212 125214 125218 125234 125239 125324 125370
125379 125416 125467 125477 125501 125503 125550 125570 125671 125684
125695 125703
125722 125732 125734 125735 125738 125742 125753 125754 125758 125761
125762 125765 125773 125774 125777 125780 125782 125786 125795 125799
125804 125805
125810 125811 125813 125814 125816 125819 125832 125847 125850 126024
126027 126037 126042 126051 126059 126061 126063 126066 126074 126077
126080 126083
126091 126092 126093 126094 126095 126096 126097 126103 126115 126216
126248 126418 126423 126429 126433 126435 126445 126481 126485 126548
126729 126762
126813 126830 126842 126887 126904 126965 127011 127042 127047 127062
127084 127092 127112 127120 127123 127126 127137 127150 127151 127172
127173 127223
127231 127237 127240 127242 127245 127249 127250 127251 127252 127253
127260 127283 127287 127288 127289 127290 127292 127293 127294 127301
127302 127303
127304 127305 127306 127309 127310 127312 127314 127315 127320 127321
127322 127323 127324 127330 127335 127338 127342 127343 127345 127346
127347 127354
127356 127358 127359 127391 127396 127405 127418 127427 127428 127444
127447 127450 127469 127476 127502 127509 127510 127514 127522
*** Withheld Roll
Number for Unfair Means
Note- A) Unsuccesful(Failed) Candidate should submit their supplementory: (1) Exam forms online, through College within 15 days from the declaration of Results. B) Candidate desiring Revaluation: (2) of their Answer Books Should apply online, through College within 7 days from the declaration of Results. C) Forms (1) and (2) are available on the website: www.gondwanaexams.org
By order of Vice-Chancellor,
On Behalf of BOE
Controller of Examinations,
Gondwana University, Gadchiroli. |
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