TYBCom 2014 Result Mumbai University - www.mu.ac.in
mumbai university tybcom 2014 result
TYBCom 2014 Exam Result Mumbai University (Non CGSGS) is declared today. Very Soon Other TY BCom Results will be declared. So keep visiting www.resultshub.net
TYBCom Oct 2014 Result Mumbai University
(Declare On 05 Feb 2015 New Link)
Click on Above Link to Check TYBCom 2014 Result Mumbai University
TYBCom Mumbai University Declared on 26 June 2014
TYBCOM 2014 Result Mumbai University First Half | टीवायबीकॉमचा निकाल जाहीर
TYBCom Sem 6 Result 2014 Mumbai University Result Links given Below :
TYBCom 5th Semester 2014 Result Links given Below :
मुंबई विद्यापीठामार्फत श्रेयांक श्रेणी पद्धतीनुसार घेण्यात आलेल्या
टीवायबीकॉम सेमिस्टर सहा परीक्षेचा निकाल गुरुवारी रात्री साडे नऊ
वाजण्याच्या सुमारास जाहीर झाला. या परीक्षेचा निकाल ७३.७१ टक्के लागला

What is lower examinations?
When the next list will be updated??
Where to find results for seat numbers above 67000 ???
when the next list gonna be updated ???????? :/
where to find results for seat no above69000
Hi... i am T.Y.B.Com student..march 2013 i give exam my seat number is 67740 and today my result is not seen.. why
can anyone tell me the result for roll no 71806
Hi... i am T.Y.B.Com student..march 2013 i give exam my seat number is 60759 and today my result is not seen.. the error is No Such Seat No!! why?
It means in fy or sy atkt is there you have to clear.
When idol result will be announced
when will the results part 2 be announced?? please reply yaaar.. :(
when t.y.b.com result is display????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I m tybcom student and there is been no class for the result given....so does it means
i m repeater.... when r the result going out????
The result of seat number 67740 is Passed with First Class
if any1 wants to knw their result...post ur SEAT NO... only till 81741
my roll no. 80158
my roll no is 80518.... there is error..showing """ no such seat no..."""
Nelson when I am typing my number. It says no such seat ! How do I open ?!
How to know our passing percentage?
Hi... i am T.Y.B.Com student..march 2013 i give exam my seat number is 91564 and today my result is not seen.. the error is No Such Seat No!! why?
Hello Anuradha Don't Worry, Results After Seat Number 81741 are under progress, we will update the link for it very Soon..
Keep Visiting www.resultshub.blogspot.com for Updates....
Declare Now upto 81741.. Adding Next to that very soon..
The result of seat number 71806 is FAILED.
d error like no such seat number is for all repeaters so dnt worry its still nt declared
Nw only 60 40 patterns result has been decleare
hey i have cleared both fy and sy still they are showing ler exm is nt cleared
Is there any idea when are the % going to be put up??????
Subject wise marks
Pls help me.. My roll no is 55582.. It shows I m passes with first class but reserve.. I have not cleared sybcom so it is the reason for reserve.. My doubt is are yhis result fake??? Really m passed with first class?? Plz help
Its wil take sum time to FILTER all info.. so stay clam...ull see it soon good luck
YES my frnd unless u CLEAR ur SY KT u wil nt get ur TY result dis is y its in reserver...yes ur passd WITH 1st class :)
hey my seat no. is 75804 it shows that no such seat no. so do tell me my marks and i am a tyb.com student
Pleas display the result of 59764 it is not showing on site
When is the idol or repeater student result will be declared
Are yr marks kb pata chalega...hamari jaan atki hai... Itna toh mat satao yr....plz display our marks as soon as possible
whn % will be declared?????
whn will we come to know our marks plzzz replyyyyy plzzzzz.................?????
Pleas replay me the result of seat number 59764
the reason its nt shwng CZ the result r fr 60/40 students (college)....stay clam its under progress..u wil see it soon GOOD LUCK
so u need to visit M.U fr futher INFO...
the reason its nt shwng CZ the result r fr 60/40 students (college)....stay clam its under progress..u wil see it soon GOOD LUCK
the reason its nt shwng CZ the result r fr 60/40 students (college)....stay clam its under progress..u wil see it soon GOOD LUCK
dear sir my seat no. is 9941 i am failed but i want to see subject wise marks ,will you tell me when it display on the net with full detail
the reason its nt shwng CZ the result r fr 60/40 students (college)....stay clam its under progress..u wil see it soon GOOD LUCK
when the result declared above seat no. 81741 Becoz my no.is 81910 which was not seen in site.
Pleas display the results of 59834
my seat no. is 61566 & it shows that no such seat no.
Please do let me know my result
My seat no is 92454 & it shows that no such seat no
whn will we come to know our marks plzzz replyyyyy plzzzzz.................?????
Pls reply mr seat no 89690
my frnds the IDOL results r still nt declard yet these r fr 60/40 students (college)...stay clam it wil b updated soon
my frnds the IDOL results r still nt declard yet these r fr 60/40 students (college)...stay clam it wil b updated soon....
dear Nelson, do u have any idea how much time,, will take to declare idol result,,, as per ur experience.??????.... we r very excited to know the result....
hey plz help.... It shows I m passes with first class but reserve..i have cleared both my fy and sy exams
Nelson plz tel me the result for seat no 23747 plz
When the remained seats will be updated for repeaters
so u need to visit M.U fr futher INFO...
Plz reply
can result be seen name wise. my cousin has given tybcom exams from village and has come to mumbai. he doesnt remember exact seat no, so any possibility.
my seat no is 2080...when will i get my percentage and detailed score?
please reply nelson with respect to seat no 2080
HI My seat Number is 42084 can u tell me my tybcom result plz
seat no. is 80480 what result
pass with first class friend
sorry friend you are failed
Now what to do frnds reply
Thanks nelson.. But I still hav a doubt.. Are these result 100% real??? Sory pls dnt mind
The result of seat number 42084 is Passed with Second Class
iLL b frank wit u guys m also a TYBCOM student so same as u m also very EAGAR to knw abt my results... so jus b a little patient..it wil b updated soon
The result of seat number 2080 is Passed with First Class
DUN lose hope my frnd wait til u get ur results in ur hand....keep prayng lets hpe fr the BEST....
no my frnd its nt possible to see the results by name....but u can find his SEAT NO on mu.ac.in/idol by his name....CHEERS
plz gaive me full marksheet of 65016
Hi my tybcom result is showing failed so i can give for revaluation than when result will be shown
hiii my seat no 88232 will u plz let me know the result, it says no such result plzzz help me out.
When the full marks showing on net
Please tell me result.of 86520 ty bcom appeared from university
result declared for other than 60/40.. admin plz update....
passed with first class.... but held reserve..
when will idol result come in marksheet form ??
do we need to go to the university ??
My set no is 91462 ,my result not display
Please tell me result of seat no 81767...
88321 shows no such seat #.....dats my seat #
The result of seat number 81767 is Passed
When will be the marklist with subject wise for TYBCOM will be displayed?
sir i have cleared my t.y.bcom xamz...but i m not satisfied with the marks alloted and i m 100% sure that i would have scored more in that subject...so i was thinking for applying for rechecking of ppr...is it worth???
mr.nelson when the full result with full marksheet updated on net can u plzz help me to look the result of seat no 23836 with full marksheet..
Sir I have put my ty b.com result in revaluation can I knw when it will be displayed pls
How can i apply tybcom addmision form for repeater plz tell me how can i apply and tell me the date of the sumission of the addmission form.plz plz
hi m sharik plz find the october 2013 result date
Very Soon TYBCOM Results will be declared..
My Seat No. is 00053820. What is my result of TYBCOM?????
Does tybcom non CBGS means its normal 100 marks paper of oct 2013.
Finally result kab hai??
my seat no is 4005 ?
my seat no is 05805
The result of seat number is UNSUCCESSFUL.
"held in Reserve due to Provisional."
what does this means....????
The result of seat number 05805 is SUCCESSFUL.
The result of seat number 04005 is UNSUCCESSFUL.
The result of seat number 00053820 is UNSUCCESSFUL.
held in Reserve due to Provisional.
My seat number is 53763..
The result of seat no. Is unsuccesful. What does it mean?
Hey plz reply if ny1 knw abt dis?
when unsuccessfull person can give re-exam for thats exams?
plz give me a intro about re-exam?
The result of seat number 00053820 is UNSUCCESSFUL.
"held in Reserve due to Provisional." What does it means??????????????????
I gave the exam of T.y.bcom on OCT 2013. My seat number is 52823. The result is declared. The problem is when i enter my seat 'nu'. Its displayed Like this,,The result of seat number 52823 is UNSUCCESSFUL.
held in Reserve due to Provisional. Wht its means.
i'm getting some times unsuccesful and some time i'm getting no such seat exam what does that mean i have clear all the exam for first year and second year i want to know what is going on ????
My no 89705 whn it l b declared
When will the results of 6th semester be declared...?
Hi guys m 4m tybcom student n Ihave given n 60/40 patten so my seat no is 17802 so can any1 plz say my status
75001 can I knw this result . plzz reply sum1
Result of 97465
77787 result plz
I got unsuccessful in sem 6 but i hve cleared all 5 sem..am i pass on aggregate basis under cbgs tybcom 2014m
Hi am tybcom student can u please tell me result of seat no-76773
My set on is 78451 plzzz rply
76773 - passed
78451 - failed
The result of seat number 97465 is Passed
when tybcom idol result declear....
92914 tybcom'14 result please !!
when will idol tybcom result come in marksheet form n dat to online??
this is the shittiest blog i have ever seen. Why the fuck do we want to know discussion about 2013 and previous??????
Admin should make new posts and remove or archive previous years. So misleading, typical Indian.
When revaluation result will be declared of tybcom sem 6 2014 Mumbai university if it is declared
Plz reply me my seat no. 50796 plz anyone reply me
Plz send me my marks of tybcom sem 6 2014 my seat no is 50796 of management subject that is given for revaluation
Plz koi toh send karo
Nelson sir aap ko malum hogs toh plz send karo
When is Result of Tybcom V Second half CBSGS(60:40) its conduct on November 2014?When declared online and offline?
when declared tybcom v-sem (60:40) Result?????????????
When other result will be declared of tybcom
Guy's any body visited Mumbai university? are they distributing results of NOV 2014 - 100 paper.
I want to know about my result my no seat no is 61678 and I am from ty bcom sndt college
Hi...when will the T.Y.B.com results for semister VI - 60:40 exams ending on 06th May 2015 be declared on the MU website . Please help with the info ..thanks
game mu
nhac san cuc manh
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trung tâm ngoại ngữsớm đã bị người sơn nhân biển chiếm cứ, chỉ có một ba thước tả hữu đường hẹp lưu lại, cái kia hay là lưu cho dự thi nhân viên chuyên dụng thông đạo.
Nếu là nhìn kỹ đám người bắt đầu khởi động phương hướng, tựu không khó phát hiện, cơ hồ hết thảy mọi người tiến về trước phương hướng đều là hướng phía một chỗ, cái kia chính là dược trong thành —— Vạn Dược quảng trường!
Vạn Dược quảng trường, thì ra là lần này dược hội tổ chức địa phương!
Ở trong Ngạo Tiên Cư, đám người Tiêu Viêm đã sớm chờ xuất phát, y cách khỏa lý.
"Tiêu Viêm ca ca, chúng ta nhanh chút ít đi thôi, tại đây khoảng cách dược thành còn cách một đoạn đâu này?"
Không cần nhìn hắn thân ảnh, chỉ là nương tựa theo giọng nói này có thể suy đoán ra,
my seat no is 24131 is not shown on this site my exam held on march 2014 plz uplod data
my seat no is 76268 is not shown on this site my exam held on march 2013 plz upload data.
my seat no is 76268 is not shown on this site my exam held on march 2013 plz upload data.
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