MH MT-CET 2013 Result | MTCET 2013 Result
OVER 2.5 lakh students appeared in Maharashtra Technology-Common Entrance Test (MT-CET) 2013 that was held on May 16. The results will be declared on June 5. Sources said that results may be declared after midnight of June 4.
The entrance test was conducted for the admission to Engineering and Pharmacy courses. From six districts of Nagpur Division. 37,740 students appeared in the test.
Joint Director, Technical Education, who was appointed as Divisional Officer for the examination for Nagpur Division, told from Pune that earlier the thought was to declare the results on June 4. later on it was found a bit difficult to declare the same on June 4. Now. the results would be declared on June 5.
- MT-CET 2013 ,MHT CET 2013 Result -

(Declared on 5 June 2013)

(Declared on 5 June 2013)
mtcet ka result kitane baje hey
Result is Declared.. Best of Luck
I cant open the web address to check my result
Suck this maharashtra the bloody website is not somwthing
plz do smthing...atleast text our marks on cell or email us plz...
After these results out, what is the procedure to apply in colleges.....based on what cut off marks,admission will be getting.
web site for mht cet result 2013 are released and Available now
Hi friends the website is working fine now
CET 2013 Results
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