Engineering Professionals Recruitment in Rites 2017| Vacancy in Rites for Engineering Professionals 2017|
RITES limited Published Advertisement for the post of
Engineer (Civil), Technical Assistant (Civil) and CAD Operator (Civil).
There are total 16 vacancies available. Online Registration of
application form now available from 15th March 2017. Last date to apply online is 9th April 2017.
Online apply link are given below on this page. Candidates read the
complete notification before applying the posts. Last date of submission
of hard copy of documents on 20th April 2017 at given address. Complete
details like educational qualification, age limit, selection process,
how to apply, etc., given briefly below.
Jobs Details Given Below :
- Name of Department : RITES limited
- Name of Posts : Engineer (Civil), Technical Assistant (Civil) and CAD Operator (Civil)
- No. of Posts : 16 posts
- Mode of Application : Online
- Age Limit : 32 years
- Job Location : Gurgaon (Haryana)
- Educaional Qualification
- Engineer (Civil) : Full time first class Degree in Civil Engineering Desirable – Full time First class M.Tech Degree in Soil Mechanics
- Technical Assistant (Civil) : Full time first class Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Engineer (Civil) : Full time first class Degree in Civil Engineering
- CAD Operator (Civil) : Certificate course in Draftsman ship in Civil Trade of 2 years duration from ITI” with 3 months “Certificate Course in Auto Cad software” from a reputed training Institute
Important Dates :

How to Apply :
- Before applying candidates should ensure that they satisfy the necessary conditions and requirements of the position.
- Interested candidates fulfilling the above laid down eligibility criteria are required to apply online in the registration format available in the Career Section of RITES website,
- While submitting the online application; the system would generate ‘Registration No.’ on top of online form filled up by the candidate. Note down this “Registration No.” and quote it for all further communication with RITES Ltd.
- A copy of this online APPLICATION FORM
containing the registration number is to be printed, signed, and
furnished along with SELF-ATTESTED HARD COPIES of the following
documents in the given order only (from top to bottom):
a. 2 recent passport size colour photographs
b. High School certificate for proof of Date of Birth
c. Certificates of Academic & Professional qualifications and statements of marks of all the qualifications for all semesters/years (Xth, XIIth, Diploma/ Graduation/ Post-Graduation as applicable)
d. SC/ST/OBC Certificate in the prescribed format by Govt. of India (if applicable)
e. Proof of Identity & Address (Passport, Voter ID, Driving License, Aadhaar Card etc) f. PAN Card
g. Proof of different periods of experience as claimed in the Application Form (if applicable) h. Any other document in support of your candidature
i. PWD Certificate as per latest format (if applicable). - Application Form along with above documents are to be sent through post to “Assistant Manager (P)/Rectt., RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan, Plot No.1, Sector-29, Gurgaon – 122001, Haryana”; within the date specified for the purpose.
- Please attach copies of experience certificates from your previous employment in respect of claims made by you in your application. In respect of current employment, experience certificate/ joining letter along with last months’ salary slips, or, Form 16 and other documents which clearly prove your continuity in the job are to be attached. In case your claim is not established from the proofs submitted by you; your application is liable to be rejected. Please check your claims and certificates submitted by you carefully. Incomplete application, or, insufficient proof would entail rejection of your application. No claims would be entertained at a later stage.
- Community certificate (SC/ST/OBC) should be in the format prescribed by Government of India only. OBC candidates included in the Central List with certificate not more than 12 months old (with clear mention of candidate not belonging to “Creamy Layer”) in the GOI prescribed format only will be considered for the posts reserved for OBC.
- The candidates are also advised to keep a copy of Application Form submitted with them and to carry the same at the time of the Interview (if called).
- Candidates who have registered online but whose physical application along with aforesaid documents is not received by the due date, their candidature may not be considered. The company reserves the right to consider only such applications which are received in physical format by the prescribed date.
- The original testimonials/documents along with one self-attested copy will have to be produced by the candidate(s) at the time of interview (if called).
- Applications received after the last date of receipt of Application Form and documents shall be rejected. RITES Ltd. does not bear any responsibility for any delay in post/courier for any reason whatsoever.
- Departmental Candidates of RITES are required to apply online and submit their hard copy through proper.
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